Undergraduate Admissions

Please Log In

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‣ The email and/or password you used does not match a current record, please try again. You may have misspelled something, or used a different email for your account creation. Please always use the same email, do not create additional accounts with different emails. Each applicant will have a single account using only one email for all schools of Rutgers. Do not submit more than one application for the year you wish to enter Rutgers. You may use the link on this page to reset your password. If you have not yet created an account, please begin your application here.

Don't have an account? Create one here.

Once you log in you will have access to your Rutgers status where you can:

  • Continue your application or view your admission status
  • Access your Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) (current high school seniors only)
  • Manage your account
  • Add a school to your submitted application for admission consideration
  • Accept an offer of admission and enroll at Rutgers (admitted students only)

Please refresh your browser and clear your cache each time you log in.